Mudras and Quantum healing

Mudras Healing & Quantum Healing

The hand Mudras are an integral part of Yoga. It is a therapeutic treasure to improve health, prevent disease and heal ailments. The science of Mudras provides the safest and the most convenient, easy-to-do hand Mudras, which are quite simple and easy to practice. Mudra is a gesture or position, usually of the hands that lock and guide energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching, and touching the fingers and hands, we can communicate to the body and mind in a certain way as each area of the hand corresponds to a specific part of the mind or body. This is because several of our nerves terminate in our fingers and a significant amount of energy flows at the fingertips. When the fingertips touch each other, an electromagnetic circuit is created, and it triggers a distinct energy movement. This energy stimulates corresponding centers in the brain. The brain then triggers the concerned organs, and there is an effect felt in the body.

When the mudras are held for some time, they can be used as a focused healing practice. Mudras favor the successful integration between the two sides of the brain, which is necessary for improving all brain processes including those for reading, writing, academic achievement, motor skill development, and all other higher-order cognitive processes.

According to the theory, each finger corresponds to one of the five essential elements that make up the human system – fire, air, space, earth, and water.

  • The thumb represents the Fire element (Agni Tattva)
  • The index finger represents the Air (wind) element (Vayu Tatva)
  • The middle finger represents the Space (Ether) element (Akash Tatva)
  • The ring finger represents the Earth element (Prithvi Tatva)
  • The little finger represents the Water element (Jala Tatva)

Our body has a fine balance of these five essential elements and any imbalance among these elements tends to make us unhealthy. Each Mudra is carefully designed to regulate the elements in very specific prescriptions according to different symptoms, and thus regulates and restores balance to achieve optimum health.

Mudras Healing & Quantum Healing

The hand Mudras are an integral part of Yoga. It is a therapeutic treasure to improve health, prevent disease and heal ailments. The science of Mudras provides the safest and the most convenient, easy-to-do hand Mudras, which are quite simple and easy to practice. Mudra is a gesture or position, usually of the hands that lock and guide energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching, and touching the fingers and hands, we can communicate to the body and mind in a certain way as each area of the hand corresponds to a specific part of the mind or body. This is because several of our nerves terminate in our fingers and a significant amount of energy flows at the fingertips. When the fingertips touch each other, an electromagnetic circuit is created, and it triggers a distinct energy movement. This energy stimulates corresponding centers in the brain. The brain then triggers the concerned organs, and there is an effect felt in the body.

When the mudras are held for some time, they can be used as a focused healing practice. Mudras favor the successful integration between the two sides of the brain, which is necessary for improving all brain processes including those for reading, writing, academic achievement, motor skill development, and all other higher-order cognitive processes.

According to the theory, each finger corresponds to one of the five essential elements that make up the human system – fire, air, space, earth, and water.

  • The thumb represents the Fire element (Agni Tattva)
  • The index finger represents the Air (wind) element (Vayu Tatva)
  • The middle finger represents the Space (Ether) element (Akash Tatva)
  • The ring finger represents the Earth element (Prithvi Tatva)
  • The little finger represents the Water element (Jala Tatva)

Our body has a fine balance of these five essential elements and any imbalance among these elements tends to make us unhealthy. Each Mudra is carefully designed to regulate the elements in very specific prescriptions according to different symptoms, and thus regulates and restores balance to achieve optimum health.

Mudras Healing & Quantum Healing

The hand Mudras are an integral part of Yoga. It is a therapeutic treasure to improve health, prevent disease and heal ailments. The science of Mudras provides the safest and the most convenient, easy-to-do hand Mudras, which are quite simple and easy to practice. Mudra is a gesture or position, usually of the hands that lock and guide energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching, and touching the fingers and hands, we can communicate to the body and mind in a certain way as each area of the hand corresponds to a specific part of the mind or body. This is because several of our nerves terminate in our fingers and a significant amount of energy flows at the fingertips. When the fingertips touch each other, an electromagnetic circuit is created, and it triggers a distinct energy movement. This energy stimulates corresponding centers in the brain. The brain then triggers the concerned organs, and there is an effect felt in the body.

When the mudras are held for some time, they can be used as a focused healing practice. Mudras favor the successful integration between the two sides of the brain, which is necessary for improving all brain processes including those for reading, writing, academic achievement, motor skill development, and all other higher-order cognitive processes.

According to the theory, each finger corresponds to one of the five essential elements that make up the human system – fire, air, space, earth, and water.

  • The thumb represents the Fire element (Agni Tattva)
  • The index finger represents the Air (wind) element (Vayu Tatva)
  • The middle finger represents the Space (Ether) element (Akash Tatva)
  • The ring finger represents the Earth element (Prithvi Tatva)
  • The little finger represents the Water element (Jala Tatva)

Our body has a fine balance of these five essential elements and any imbalance among these elements tends to make us unhealthy. Each Mudra is carefully designed to regulate the elements in very specific prescriptions according to different symptoms, and thus regulates and restores balance to achieve optimum health.

General Principle of using Mudra

  • While Mudra therapy, it is essential to know that by no means does it mean that we refuse the help of modern medicine.
  • Mudras can be used along with other therapies.
  • Mudras should preferably be done with both hands simultaneously.
  • A better result will be achieved when performed with deep breathing.
  • Do not make any Mudra for about 30 minutes after food except Surya mudra.
  • Mudra practice can be done anywhere – at home, at the office, at the bus/train stop; or any pose – sitting, standing or walking, talking, watching TV/Cinema, traveling, etc.